New Website::



We are one of the leading networking company in the country. We also provides software and hardware support and maintenance. We have a creative designing team. They are designing web sites, intros and graphics for income. We also provide a lot of software which have some ultimate power of doing something for REAL . We are here with unlimited free solutions because we are Indian. We wanna help to develop India as much as we can. Be in co-operation with us. Get helped and give help to all. As we all know , India is a growing country. IT's explosion is at extreme here. People are working with out limitation of legality upon their profit. So what we can do is to make a better contribution to India's development as far as we can. We each and every person have to improve our own knowledge by practical experience than theoretical. So we should have to work hard to get a better result. Be joined with us. Because we are for you people who want to be get helped and to give help. To join our community to get and give help, just sign up with Yras GROUP. Go to .rasnet allow to play anything with your personal computer. Yes any thing you want to with your PC. Because with the co-operation with Yras GROUP, we are now started our new service that is to work in your PC from any where in the world . We can access your computer which is connected to internet remotely. So that we can fix any errors on your computer. Yes this is the REAL Freedom